Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sports Action Photos

subjects moving towards me

subject moving across plane of camera

panning photo

blur photo

Friday, April 11, 2014

Front Pages of the World

  • My favorite newspaper front page is The Tuscaloosa News, I really like the word Tuscaloosa.

Tuscaloosa News

  • Tuscaloosa news is from Tuscaloosa Alabama
  • My favorite headline is "Crooks get Billions in bogus tax refunds" I am interested in this because I want to see how the government reacts to this.
  • There are 9 stories
  • They all have same size headlines, and similar fonts.
  • the size of the pictures tend to be different, and the layouts too.

InDesign real life uses

I would use InDesign to make business cards, brochures, pamphlets for charities, pizza menus and news charts.

Friday, March 28, 2014


A child in a favela outside Rio de Janeiro is swinging in a home-made swings to pass the time with sorrowful look on her face while everybody gets ready for the FIFA World Cup.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quick Write: Burning Pet Shop

I would save myself, why would I kill myself for animals? I would get running out of there.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Quick Write

In 5 years I plan to be in an amazing college, with a good job or internship, maybe studying abroad.
In 10 years I plan to have already made my first million dollars. I will be on my way to being CEO of a fortune 500 company.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quick Write

They consume an absurd amounts of time.
They are timeless.
They are cheesy.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

I personally am for Valentine's day. Although you should show love and affection to your loved one every single day, it's also nice to have a set day for presents and showering of affection.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Magazine Covers

Early Magazine Cover

Cosmopolitan, published 1893, shows a commonly used way that magazines of his period used the cover to show the table of contents, a cover line or two, and the name of the magazine.

The Poster Cover

Rolling Spirit published January 2001. This cover doesn't need flashy headlines or hooks to catch the reader's attention. The reader is automatically wanting to learn more of George Harrison's death. It's an intriguing method of publication. 

Pictures married to type

This late 1972 issue of Vogue, has so many words that distracts from the cover photo. Vogue even underlined certain sentences, as if to say " This is important, You have to read this!! " For me, personally, there are just way too many words.

In The Forest Of Words

This Guitar World published in August 1992 is just completely engulfed in words, designed specifically to catch the reader's attention, telling the reader that information is a fountain of knowledge in this magazine.

My Self Portrait

I think for the masthead I'm going to put Topman OR Vogue, one of those two.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Best Magazine Covers 2013

New York, November 12, 2013: "The City and the Storm"
Shot on the Wednesday evening after Hurricane Sandy hit, Iwan Baan’s photograph of Manhattan, half aglow and half dark, captured the larger story of a powerful city rendered powerless. A true viral phenomenon, the image became an instant icon of the event—magazine cover that many New Yorkers have saved for posterity. In fact, a poster version was offered for sale by the Museum of Modern Art.
This portrait shows an exceptional example of the after-effects of Hurricane Sandy. The lighting's very cool because it shows half of the city turned on and the other half turned off. It almost creates a sort of barrier between one side and the other. It communicates a sense beautiful chaos in the eyes of the reader.

Magazine Esssential Parts

Masthead (logo) The name of the magazine displayed in a specific typeface. The masthead is usually used on the contents page inside as well as the front cover, and as a logo for advertising and branding purposes
Dateline Month and year of publication, often with the price.
Main image The main focus of the magazine cover, designed to catch the reader's attention.
Model credit   The photographer and model credit is usually on the contents page
Coverlines Different articles within the magazine.
Main cover line This is very large, its the main article, the main read.
Left third The left third of the magazine cover is vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must be easily recognisable in a display of dozens of competitors. .
Bar code Standard bar code used by retailers.
Selling lineShort, sharp description of the title's main marketing point or maybe setting out its editorial philosophy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot Submission






What was the best ISO setting to use for your portraits?
The best setting was 1600.
What was your next best photo?
I think the 3200 one, even though it is a little over-exposed.

Were you able to create equivalent exposures to your best photo by changing the aperture and shutter speed?
Not really. WE tried.
What did you learn from this activity that you will apply to your real portrait shoot?
I learned what ISO's to use in certain scenarios.